Outside normal surgery hours (evenings, weekends and bank holidays) emergency cover for the practice is provided by Primary Care (PC24) Out of Hours service. PC24 is an urgent care centre based next to the Kings Mill Hospital Emergency Department (ED) that provides medical care for patients that do not need Emergency Department Care. It is a nurse led service (Monday – Friday) and is supported by General Practitioners (GP’s) in the out of hours period (i.e. anytime that your normal GP practice is closed).
This service is for problems which cannot wait until the next available surgery. You will be required to provide full information about your problem and will be expected if required to attend PC24 if necessary. Advice may also be given if attending for a face to face appointment is not deemed to be required.
During out of hours you should telephone the practice and instructions will be provided on how to contact NEMS.
For other general medical advice you can always contact the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it is not a life threatening situation.
GP Extended Access
Extended GP access service is accessible 7 days per week. If you require an appointment on a Sunday please enquire with the reception team.
Pharmacy First
There is now a new service which is offered by pharmacists in Nottinghamshire
At times within the year it is common to pick up the odd illness, such as a sore throat or high temperature, which may need to be treated with over the counter medicines, So the NHS is reminding us that it has a scheme to help with these common ailments.
Pharmacy First is available to those that are normally exempt from paying prescription charges and are registered with a local GP in the participating area. It means that those eligible don’t have to pay for certain over the counter medicines. Instead patients can see a qualified health professional at a pharmacy rather than make a GP appointment.
Pharmacies in Nottinghamshire that are participating – Please follow the link below.
Evening and Weekend GP Appointments – Now Available
Extended GP access service is accessible 7 days per week. If you require an appointment on a Sunday please enquire with the reception team.”
For further infomration on our newly available evening and weekend appointments, please click the link below…